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"Small Improvements, Big Results"
Mastering trumpet doesn’t require innate natural talent, super intelligence, or the willpower of a Greek god.
We understand the frustration and disappointment that trumpet players experience when they can't perform at their best due to inconsistent embouchure, rapid fatigue, and limited range. The 1% Trumpet Ownership Program is specifically designed to address these problems, empowering you to make significant progress even with limited practice time.
Imagine a practice routine that not only fits into your busy life but also delivers tangible results. Our program teaches you how to optimize your practice sessions by focusing on the most impactful exercises and techniques. You'll learn how to maintain consistent embouchure strength and control, allowing you to perform with confidence, precision, and a beautiful sound every time you pick up your trumpet.
Transform your trumpet playing with the 1% Trumpet Ownership Program, and experience the confidence, versatility, and satisfaction that come with unlocking your instrument's full potential.
Experience a Comprehensive Transformation with the Seven Phases of the 1% Trumpet Ownership Program
Introduction + Basic Mechanics of Trumpet Playing: Establish a solid foundation with proper technique, breathing, and posture, setting the stage for your success.
Understanding the Power of Ownership: Embrace personal accountability and develop a growth mindset, taking charge of your own progress and results.
The 1% Rule: Learn the art of consistent, incremental improvement, unlocking the compounding power of small gains to revolutionize your trumpet playing.
The 80/20 Principle: Master the art of self-diagnosis to prioritize and address weaknesses, maximizing the effectiveness of your practice sessions.
FUN-damentals and Music: Engage with innovative approaches to fundamental skill-building, while staying connected to the joy and passion of making music.
Extended Techniques: Enhance your musical repertoire with advanced techniques, elevating your playing and setting you apart from the crowd.
Ear Training and Improvisation: Sharpen your listening skills and tap into your creativity, enabling you to express yourself freely and spontaneously on your trumpet.
"I'm filling up the room again, just that one thing....beautiful. Worth the whole program"
"The tips and tricks were very helpful"
When I'm at University I feel like I'm just being taught to, this feels like a developmental environment"
"On point! I don't put money in what I don't believe in!"
To Provide the Best Learning Environment, Membership Currently Capped at 20, Act Now and Secure your Spot